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LineWatch M

Distribution Grid Sensing and Monitoring for Low Voltage Applications

LineWatch M delivers near revenue grade (0.5%) current and voltage accuracy to address a variety of utility applications. The “bird-on-wire” design supports fast and safe hot stick installation greatly reducing deployment expense and total cost of ownership. LineWatch incorporates a flexible design that supports any utility communications platform.

Line Watch M

Features &


  • Delivers near revenue-grade (0.5%) current and voltage accuracies

  • No neutral connection

  • Safe and easy installation with a hot stick

  • Accommodates any utility communications platform

  • Power quality measurements for voltage and current up to the 13th harmonic

  • Records up to 40 fault current waveforms in the 10 kA and 25 kA range

  • Continuous monitoring; data recorded in one minute intervals

  • User configurable alarms/events

  • Reporting available in three modes:

    • At scheduled intervals

    • By exception

    • On-demand polling


Legacy Substation Monitoring

Monitoring of assets located at substations without need for costly renovations or service interruptions

Grid Automation

Enable remote monitoring and operation of utility infrastructure for more efficient grid management


Volt/VAR Optimization

Sensors can be used as part of a centralized VVO system or locally as replacement of PTs or line post sensors


Fault Detection and Outage Management

Easily identify the location of a fault for quicker power restoration


Asset Management

Asset monitoring for improved management and allocation of capital


Voltage, Current and Power Measurements

Voltage, current, real and reactive power monitoring to support power flow studies and modeling

CheckTool Medium Voltage Installation

LineWatch Check Tool is an integral part of the LineWatch M sensor installation. Its highly accurate voltage and phase angle measurements are used to quickly and easily calibrate the sensors in situ.


Line Watch M Table

LineWatch M

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